My summer has been packed full of good stuff so far!
I saw "The Taming of the Shrew" at the Shakespeare Festival in Forest Park in June. The show was o.k. - but sniffing around people's picnics until I got some snacks was the highlight of my night.
I've been spending a lot of time at Forest Park - walking, sniffing around, making friends, and chasing squirrels. I've also gone to the Boat House a few times - I love it! Chasing ducks and getting plenty of treats!
My master also took me out on my first paddle boat ride to get my sea legs. I was a little scared at first, but after we got going, I was being called an "old sea dog." Come cheer for me in my first "Paddle with your Pooch" boat race on July 17!
On July 4th weekend I saluted our country by parading around in my Uncle Sam costume - Jon Jon is proud to be an American Cocker Spaniel!